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A doubleheader with Congressman Dent

Today, Ask Listen Learn traveled to Hummelstown, PA to visit Lower Dauphin Middle School! Joining us for another fantastic event was Pennsylvania Congressman Charles Dent, who spoke to two groups of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and the dangers of underage drinking.

As a member of Congress, Congressman Dent is lawmaker and sees how people’s lives are negatively affected when they break the law because of alcohol. It’s especially important for kids who are underage to take the drinking law seriously, because the choices we make today will impact the rest of our lives. Part of making good choices is talking to role models about living a healthy lifestyle. The Congressman said he talks to his own middle school children about saying NO to underage drinking a lot and encouraged the kids to talk to their parents about the peer pressures they face every day.


Thanks so much to Lower Dauphin Middle School, Principal Berra, and Congressman Dent! We loved visiting Hummelstown and talking to kids about saying NO to underage drinking and YES to a healthy lifestyle.