Ask, Listen, Learn at the Swim Trials!
Day Four
Ask, Listen, Learn ambassador Mallory Weggemann was kind enough to stop by and sign autographs for fans – check it out!
Day Three
Watch Rebecca Soni go!
Day Two
We’ve had a great day two at the USA Swimming Swim Trials so far. Tons of kids came by to sign the Ask, Listen, Learn pledge – we’re well on our way to hitting 30,000 signups! Ask, Listen, Learn ambassador Rebecca Soni had a great day two, with an excellent time of 1:06.33 in the 100M Women’s Breaststroke – 1st place!
It’s day one at the USA Swimming Trials in Omaha, and we’re off to a roaring start! Only a day in, and we’ve already had tons of kids pledge to say ‘YES’ to a healthy lifestyle and ‘NO’ to underage drinking.
Unofficial ‘Swim Mom’ Debbie Phelps spoke to a large crowd of parents and children. She advised parents on how to ride out the ‘speed bumps’ that you’ll inevitably experience raising a child.
Check out our re-cap of the day, and stay tuned!