Ask, Listen, Learn PSA with Attorneys General on the way!
On Tuesday, The Century Council was honored to record public service announcements (PSAs) with 23 state Attorneys General from all over the country. In the PSA, they demonstrate their commitment to our nation’s children – encouraging them to make healthy choices including exercising, eating healthily, and saying “no” to underage drinking while also encouraging them to get involved in our Ask, Listen, Learn program.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be getting these spots ready to air in the respective states of each Attorney General, as well as working to host Ask, Listen, Learn events in as many states as possible. These partnerships are very important – with the help of committed elected officials, we are better able to reach out to kids and more effectively fight underage drinking.
We hope that once these PSAs start airing in April for Alcohol Awareness Month, you will join us in recognizing these men and women for all the hard work they do for their constituents.