Congrats, Mary Begley!
Mary Begley has been a close friend of The Century Council for years. Last year she was recognized as one of our 20 People to Watch for her efforts to make Arlington Science Focus School a great place for students to learn. It’s high educational standards are the envy of the region.
During Alcohol Awareness Month, we enjoyed hosting one of our Ask, Listen, Learn events with Tae Kwon Do Champion Steven Lopez at Arlington Science Focus to kick off a 3-day healthy lifestyle program for the kids.
Now, The Century Council is proud to share the news that Mary has been named Administrator of the Year by the Greater Washington Reading Council, a local affiliate of the Virginia State Reading Association (VRSA). Her application will also be forwarded to the VRSA for consideration for the James D. Mullen Leadership Award.
Congrats to Mary Begley and Arlington Science Focus School for continuing to stand as shining examples of excellence in education!