Exciting announcement: Simone Biles joins our team!
Have you heard the news? Simone Biles is now part of our Ask Listen Learn team! We were pleased to be joined by this gymnastics superstar as we prepare for April, also known as Alcohol Responsibility Month. Simone spent the day in Washington, DC meeting with Attorneys General from over 20 states to create Public Service Announcements (PSAs) encouraging parents to have conversations with their kids about saying NO to underage drinking.
Throughout the day, we were captivated by Simone’s bright and vibrant personality and her dedication to our program—she worked tirelessly to get every take perfect!
Don’t worry—there is more Simone Biles to come! Be on the lookout for the PSA airing in your state in April, as well as some other fun activities that we have planned along the way!
Here are a few of our favorite pictures from behind the scenes showing our day of hard work (and a little fun too!). If you are looking for ways to start conversations with kids NOW, take a look at some of our tips for teachers and parents!
Special thanks, too, goes out to the Attorneys General who participated in the PSAs. They told us how excited they were to talk to parents in their states about having this important conversation about alcohol.
It’s going to be an exciting spring–so be sure to check back with us often or join our community.
The Ask, Listen, Learn Team