It seems like there is so much more peer pressure on kids today. The abundance of social media presents challenges as well. With all of the technology today young people aren’t interacting with each other like they used to.
We encourage our children to be open and honest with us about everything. We want to make sure they know we support them and are there for them no matter what.
Talk to your kids about making good, healthy life choices and not giving into peer pressure.
Fitting in.
Will my kids be healthy and safe?
We’ve always talked to our kids about making good choices. We also make sure we set a good example ourselves. Of course since Aly is the oldest she was in a position to set a good example. Her motivation and drive with her sport and her life choices didn’t mix with underage drinking, and her siblings have seen how that paid off for her.
Living a healthy lifestyle and making good choices is just something we incorporate into our daily life. I’m sure seeing the successes of their older siblings really helps our youngest two daughters to see why it is important.
We explain how it is difficult to make wise and safe decisions when you engage in underage drinking, and that can affect you later in life. Keeping the dialogue open is important.
Whenever the opportunity arises. We could be watching a movie or maybe we heard about an incident in the community. Talking about it in an open environment is the key.
We find the best moments are ones that just come naturally rather than scheduling formal, sit-down, serious talks.
Neither of us has ever abused alcohol or engaged in any sort of binge drinking. Having a drink is OK for those over 21 as long as it is in moderation. Whenever we have alcohol it is in moderation.
As we said, when we do have a drink, it is always in the right environment and in moderation, so our kids have not had a problem with it.
As a parent we would hope someone would reach out to us if our child(ren) were engaging in risky behavior so yes we would try and reach out to the parent.
I would hope my children would feel comfortable turning it down. I would discuss the details of the situation with my child first, and based on that conversation, would then decide if it was necessary to do anything further.