Why It’s Important

Talk to Your Kids About Alcohol

Make no mistake: tweens know what’s going on, and they’re more than just a little curious about it. So before they’re presented with the opportunity, it’s critical to give them the information they need to make the right decision. Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix provides you with information and practical tips on how to talk to teens about alcohol. It is important to have these conversations early and often, building a strong relationship with your teen so the conversations about responsibility continue as they grow up.

The Facts

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Discussing the dangers of underage drinking with parents increased 62% since 2003.

Older teens are more likely to drink; 1 percent of 12 year olds compared to 29 percent of 17 year olds. (Source: 2013 NSDUH, September 2013)

Underage drinking is at an all-time low—and we applaud parents and caregivers for their efforts to talk to their teens.

According to the 2013 Monitoring the Future Study, 28% of 8th graders report they have tried alcohol once in their lifetime and 12% report they have been drunk. Also, in a 2012 Monitoring the Future Study, 58% of 8th grade students say it is “fairly” or “very” easy to get alcohol.

82% of parents think it is extremely important to have early conversations about alcohol as a way to combat peer pressure & delay potential experimenting. This conversation doesn’t always come naturally though and that’s where the Ask, Listen, Learn program comes in to help! (Source: Ipsos, November 2012)

Parents Are the Leading Influence

Survey findings reveal both parents and kids cite parents as the leading influence on kid’s decisions to not drink alcohol. The research further demonstrates the foremost responsibility to address the problems of underage drinking lies with their own family.

The Facts

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89% of parents believe they hold the leading influence over their kids’ decisions not to drink at all or to not drink on occasion. (Source: Toluna, March 2013)

Further, when asked to prioritize responsibility, 71% identify my family as having the highest level of responsibility to address underage drinking, well ahead of their child’s school, and their community. (Source: Toluna, March 2013)

As parents, we need to start the discussion about alcohol at an early age and build a strong foundation of ongoing conversations throughout middle school, high school and college.

Statistics About Kids and Underage Drinking

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Ninety percent of parents have talked with their children about the dangers of drinking alcohol in the past year. (Source: Toluna, February 2012)

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Among 10-18 year olds, 13% do not remember having a conversation with their parents about the dangers of drinking alcohol. (Source: Toluna, February 2012)

> Read Next When & How to Discuss Alcohol

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