Underage Drinking Rates Reach Record Lows

We are proud of the work that we do every day to help adults empower kids to say “YES” to a healthy lifestyle and “NO” to underage drinking. Together, we continue to make progress towards eliminating underage drinking.  New data from the 2024 Monitoring the Future survey reports a continuation in the downward trend in underage drinking in the United States.

Keep having discussions about staying alcohol-free, because when conversations about alcohol between parents and kids increase, underage drinking rates decrease.  

Talk to your kids and let them know that underage drinking is NOT the norm or a rite of passage, which may make it easier for them to say “NO” to peer pressure. Practice ways to refuse a drink or get out of a difficult situation, make sure they know to never get into a vehicle with anyone who is drunk or impaired, and always model responsible behaviors in front of them if or when you choose to drink.  

What a great way to start the new year. Let’s keep up the great work!