April is Alcohol Responsibility Month

Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix is the longest-standing and most wide-spread program of the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility (Responsibility.org). Having reached 21 million parents, teachers and kids since its inception in 2004 in six countries, including the US. 

An apple a day keeps the doctor away… right? The concept of healthy living has come a long way, and part of this is because of educators.

April is Alcohol Responsibility Month and for our partners at Classroom Champions, that means talking to kids about the dangers of underage drinking for the entirety of April, themed Healthy Living Month. Athlete Mentors will talk with their kids about why their hard work, dedication and saying NO to underage drinking was critical to their athletic success.

Parents and teachers: Responsibility Starts with You. It’s never the wrong time to bring up conversations that will better prepare your kids or students for the real world. Take Alcohol Responsibility Month, as your opportunity to talk about the importance of saying NO to underage drinking.

Education helps kids make smart decisions. While underage drinking has decreased 62%, conversations about the dangers of underage drinking have increased 19%. YOU have the power to start the conversation in your classroom today. By being that catalyst, they’ll be able to ask questions, get factual answers and be better prepared to make healthy choices.

Our partners at Classroom Champions aren’t the only ones having this important conversation this month. We would love to know what responsibility means to YOU, teachers. Find resources to help facilitate the conversations in your classroom at on our materials page and join the conversation using #StartsWithMe.