Moriah Wilson and her family distributed 175 comforting, happy pillows to children’s hospitals in her home town through her leadership with her service project “Lil’ Hearts of Love: Pillows and Pages Edition.”
Moriah Wilson and her family distributed 175 comforting, happy pillows to children’s hospitals in her home town through her leadership with her service project “Lil’ Hearts of Love: Pillows and Pages Edition.”
The Ask, Listen, Learn team first met Moriah Wilson as Girl Talk’s contestant in the Julie Foudy Sports Leadership Academy’s “Choose to Matter” contest. She won a trip to The 2012 Olympics in London with her mom, sponsored by The Century Council and McDonald’s Champions of Play for her service project, Lil’ Hearts of Love: Pillows and Pages Edition.
This project was a spinoff of one that Moriah and her sister started 3 years ago called Lil’ Hearts of Love. With this project, Moriah decided to hand make pillows for children’s hospital patients with a handle and book pouch for portability. In addition to the book providing a distraction from hospital procedures, the pouch included a message of encouragement for the patients being treated.
Moriah said she didn’t realize how big of a project she had taken on until she actually started making the pillows. Once she got her family involved it became much more manageable and she said she felt good having her family work together for a good cause. Moriah said that seeing all of the completed pillows impacted her positively, knowing that their hard work would hopefully put smiles on the faces of so many patients. 175 pillows were distributed to children’s hospitals such as Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and St. Jude’s.
Moriah also serves as an advisory board member for Girl Talk and in her free time she likes to do volunteer work. In addition to that she enjoys photography, ceramics, jewelry making, and cooking….basically anything creative. She likes math and science, and is a member of Pace Academy’s golf team.
Moriah has a wall in her room dedicated to “all things positive.” She has pictures of places she would like to visit, like Paris, quotes such as : “When nothing goes right, go left” and “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” by Dr. Seuss.
She has been featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Crossroads News and the Buckhead, GA Patch.
Moriah was also lucky enough to have a blog entry from her London trip published in Huffington Post!