Ask, Listen, Learn: Alcohol and the Developing Brain Digital Exploration

15–20 Minutes

In this interactive module, students will learn about the effects of alcohol on the developing brain and use this information to help them (and their friends!) make informed and responsible decisions when confronted with peer pressure to drink underage.

Educator Guide
Companion Educator Guide
15–20 Minutes

This resource supports and enhances educators’ implementation of the Ask, Listen, Learn: Breaking down the Myths of Marijuana Digital Exploration and helps connect the module to topics being taught in the classroom.


More Resources and Activities


The Science Behind the Effects of Alcohol on Your Developing Brain

Learn how underage drinking impacts the development of different parts of the developing brain. Swimmer Nathan Adrian will dive in to investigate the effects on memory, motor skills and physical coordination.

Companion Developing Brain Activity
45–60 Minutes

Alcohol impacts the developing brain in many ways. Challenge your class to consider what might happen to their ability to create, process and even form memories by exploring the science behind alcohol and the developing hippocampus.


Healthy Decisions for the Whole Body

Do your students know that underage drinking impacts both their developing brains and their bodies? In this video, Nathan Adrian discusses how alcohol affects the body and gives scientific examples to help students become better informed decision-makers.

Companion Body Activity
45–60 Minutes

Students will learn why it’s important to make healthy decisions through the eyes and body of swimmer Nathan Adrian. Then, they will examine the science behind how they should treat their own developing bodies.


Informed Students Make Better, Healthier Decisions

Do your students know that underage drinking impacts both their developing brains and their bodies? In this video, Nathan Adrian discusses how alcohol affects the body and gives scientific examples to help students become better informed decision-makers.

Companion Behavior Activity
45–60 Minutes

Students will consider the influence of peer pressure on their ability to make healthy decisions. Then, they will analyze the causes and effects of this pressure and develop an action plan for tackling it in the future.

About the Development of the Program

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