Have You & Your Daughter Taken a Selfie Lately?
Have you ever wondered how social media has changed your young teen’s approach to peer pressure?
In light of Healthy Weight Week, we thought we’d share with you the new Dove video campaign about your teen and body image. What better way to get through to young teens about their body by taking a first-hand look: through a phone camera. Specifically, a selflie! This social media fad is a double-edged sword, and Dove digs deep into how posting self-made images to media feeds is actually broadening the idea of beauty and instilling a confidence that not all women look like the pages of a magazine.
Take a look at how they explain your influence as a parent on your young teen’s self image. Find out what you can do to positively impact your kid’s confidence, and further, their ability to say NO when peer pressures such as drinking come their way by checking out our Parent’s section for tips and talking points.
Find out more about talking points with your kids on underage drinking with our Parent’s Corner page and with our recommended read by Dr. Wolf. In fact, if you’re one of the first 10 people to respond to our post on Twitter about why you think it’s important to talk with your kids about peer pressure and the risk of underage drinking, you will get a free book by Dr. Wolf! Reach us at @AskListenLearn.
We urge you to watch this video, and other self-esteem-boosting vids like it with your kids in order to spark a conversation about their view of themselves. It makes for an easier segue into how making the right choices can only make you feel better, from the inside out!