New Years Resolutions of Olympic Proportion: Ashley Wagner
2014 was the year of dreams. As I think of me as a little girl, dreaming of a life in front of lights on the ice, I can’t believe what I have achieved this past year. How do I top it, you ask? Let’s me tell you.
You can only reach your goals if you make them. I find that I’m most successful when I sit down and really think about the end result – the big picture. New Years resolutions are so important because you can accomplish so much in one year. So what’s your big picture?
My big picture started years ago when I started chasing my Olympic dreams. I still wake up thinking Sochi was all just a figment of my imagination, but then I remember the hours spent practicing, training, failing, falling: This dream came with many smaller goals in between.
I believe the most important aspect of goal setting, especially regarding New Year’s resolutions, is expectations. Never be disappointed to not achieve your goal, but always acknowledging how far you’ve come. If you beat yourself up after every fall, after every slip, or after every awkward meme made of yourself (Oh! Maybe that’s just me), you’ll never make it past your toughest critic: yourself.
I am an ambassador for Ask, Listen, Learn because I believe in empowering kids to make smart choices, and be confident in their decisions, especially to say NO to alcohol underage. This year, whether you’re a parent, student or just passerby, be a role model for others around you. Set your goals now and see through to them so that others around you are inspired to do the same. Whether it be big or small, making a positive influence on the world is a beautiful thing – so let’s start with us.
Find your inspiration in 2015 and reach out on Twitter to @AskListenLearn with your hopes and dreams for 2015. Let’s start the conversation about how to make your 2015 a year of confidence, smart decision making and being true to yourself – like saying no to peer pressure. Thanks for always inspiring me, now join me in this conversation about inspiring the world.
Have a safe new year!!
Ashley Wagner is a Two-time National Champion, Olympic medalist figure skater and Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix Ambassador.