Ashley Wagner shoots a PSA with Ask, Listen, Learn!
Ashley isn’t just a star on the ice, but also a star in front of the camera! The Ask, Listen, Learn team joined her in Newark, NJ on Thursday, December 12, 2013 to shoot a PSA for our campaign to say YES to a healthy lifestyle and NO to underage drinking.
Her charisma and positive attitude make her a role model for young fans everywhere. She is dedicated not only to the Ask, Listen, Learn missions, but insists that it is because of her decision to maintain a healthy lifestyle that her goals are now closer than ever! Fifty days closer to be exact!
Since it is now 50 days to Sochi, make sure to Tweet how YOU maintain a healthy lifestyle to @AskListenLearn! We’d love to hear how you are interacting with your kids and starting the important conversation of saying YES to a healthy lifestyle and NO to underage drinking!
Stay tuned for special teasers and behind-the-scenes action of this superstar’s efforts to shine a light on this important topic.