The Blog

DC Bloggers treated to an afternoon with Debbie Phelps

This afternoon we hosted a luncheon with local bloggers and legendary swim mom and Ask Listen Learn Ambassador Debbie Phelps to discuss the important roles parents and educators play in guiding youth to make positive decisions as they grow up.
Debbie’s perspective is invaluable as a mother, educator and author.  Not only has she has raised three very successful children as a single working mother, but she has great insight from her years as an educator and principal  of Windsor Mills Middle School in the Baltimore County Public Schools system.
Being in education, Debbie highlighted the importance of talking to kids from a similar viewpoint.  She argued the best way to reach a child is to relate to their situation as best you can.  This is also true when talking with your kids about the risks and consequences of underage drinking.  Kids need to understand that you do remember what it’s like to be a middle school student.  Listen and understand the pressures they face, be there to help them through these years,  and encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle which does not include drinking underage.
Debbie has guided thousands of students in her school and spoke that in life ‘speedbumps’ happen and what truly matters is how you react to those speedbumps.  Debbie made sure when raising her own children to tie each speedbump with a lesson learned.  The result is what any parent could hope for, that their child learns from their mistake and thus doesn’t repeat the same action again.



You can read more of Debbie’s story in her book, A Mother For All Seasons.

To read more about the local bloggers we enjoyed the afternoon with today please visit their blogs: