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Google Hangout with Kids in the House!

With April being Alcohol Responsibility Month, what better way to have a conversation about alcohol responsibility than with a live Q & A Google Hangout hosted by Kids In the House?

Moderated by their CEO Leana Greene, the half-hour lightning round featured our President and CEO Ralph Blackman, National Advisory Board Member and parenting and health expert Dr. Deborah Gilboa, former #TalkEarly blogger Adrian Kulp, MADD Senior Director of Programs Starrla Penick and Classroom Champions president and CEO Steve Messler, who partners with our Ask,Listen,Learn: Kids and alcohol don’t mix program.

It was clear through all the discussion that having a conversation with your kid is the best way to “Help Your Teen Say NO” – the Hangout’s theme. Watch the Hangout below and check out all our other Alcohol Responsibility Month programs and initiatives on to help guide the lifetime of conversations around alcohol responsibility.

Also, as Kids in the House featured expert this month, find out what else our President & CEO Ralph Blackman had to say in his other Kids in the House videos!