The Blog

Thank you, Phoenix Collegiate Academy!

Today the Ask, Listen, Learn team had an awesome Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day event with 180 6th and 7th graders at Phoenix Collegiate Academy in Phoenix, Arizona.

We had two very special guests speak today- Ask, Listen, Learn Superstar Rebecca Soni and Attorney General Tom Horne. As you can see from the pictures, we were in a room at a school unlike any other one we’ve ever visited before- it used to be a bowling alley!

The students had a great time playing our Xavix game and asking Rebecca questions about her daily workout routine, peer pressure when she was younger, and how she balanced school and swimming. Rebecca reminded all the student that it’s important to say “Yes” to a healthy lifestyle to keep your mind and body fit for the future!


Stay tuned for more pictures on our Facebook soon…