The Blog

A Superstar Update: Moriah Wilson

Hello Ask, Listen, Learn team! I’ve been having a great time working with Girl Talk and dedicating my time to Lil Hearts of Love.

I’m in the beginning phases of a project which combines my love for jewelry making along with my love for doing something for others. I have decided to make bracelets which are meant to be like Circles of Hope. Each beaded bracelet will have the word “hope”, “believe”, or a similar uplifting word and will be sent with a message of hope. They will be given to organizations which help rescue young girls from troubling situations. My hope is that the bracelets will be a constant reminder that no mattter what situation they may have previously been in, there is always hope for a better future.


(Above) Moriah brainstorming fundraising ideas at Girl Talk’s National Teen Advisory Board Meeting at Children’s Healthcare March 19th!