An Inspirational Ask Listen Learn program with Congressman Tony Cárdenas in beautiful Sun Valley CA!
Today Ask Listen Learn went from East Coast to West Coast to visit Sun Valley Middle School in San Fernando, California. The kids at Sun Valley Middle School were all super excited to welcome Ask Listen Learn partner Congressman Tony Cárdenas to their school to talk about his childhood and the smart choices he made that helped him become so successful. Congressman Cárdenas shared his inspirational story and reminded kids that they need to believe in themselves and find positive role models in their lives that will help support them through those tough middle school and high school years. Congressman Cárdenas talked about how dealing with peer pressure is sometimes very hard but that those kids who work hard in school, believe in themselves, and say no to underage drinking can do anything they set their mind to.
Congressman Cárdenas spent lots of time answering questions from all the 8th graders. The kids wanted to know everything from what it was like to meet President Obama to the Congressman’s advice for getting through adversity. One thing Congressman Cárdenas reminded kids to do was to talk to their parents, their grandparents, teachers at the school, coaches, and other positive role models about their aspirations and the peer pressure they face. He said to thank those people who believe in you because they will help you accomplish your goals. Congressman Cárdenas even talked about a particular teacher he had in high school that believed in him when not a lot of other people did. Having that support helped the Congressman believe in himself and ultimately get into one of the best engineering schools in the country and even make Dean’s List there!
After hearing Congressman Cárdenas ‘ inspirational story the kids had a fabulous time playing the Ask Listen Learn game. They even started chanting the names of the kids running on the game to cheer on them on! Thanks so much to Sun Valley Middle School, Principal Lee, and the amazing Congressman Cárdenas. We not only had a lot of fun but we also were all inspired to take the pledge to say YES to healthy lifestyle and NO to underage drinking.