Ask, Listen, Learn Evaluated – It’s A Hit!
In 2010, we enhanced our Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix program with the addition of the Ask, Listen, Learn educational fitness game. We developed the game to emphasize physical activity and we were blown away by the way kids took to it. Seeing this, we wanted to know the extent to which kids were actually learning from the game.
Well, we’ve just received the results of an independent third-party evaluation of our Ask, Listen, Learngame and are delighted to announce that the results are excellent! 93% of students who were exposed to our Ask, Listen, Learn game reported they learned about underage drinking as a result of playing it. After participating in the game, nearly 2 out of 3 students reported being aware that alcohol can affect every organ in their body and the average student quiz score increased significantly from the pre-game wave to the post-wave.
The research was conducted by TRU, a leader in youth research and insights with over 25 years of experience. The research also reported significant increases in the awareness and knowledge of the dangers of drinking alcohol, and students claimed the game made them “stop and think” about the dangers of underage drinking.
We have distributed over one million games to date. We’re very happy that our program is making a difference in kid’s lives and that nine out of ten students exposed to the game report it makes them think about making healthy choices. Knowing this, we’re going to push forward in 2011 to reach out to even more kids!