Tomorrow could be your chance! At 10 a.m. in your local time zone, join the Let’s Move in Schools movement to break the JAM World Record. This drive is to get EVERYONE to take one minute to get up and move. Tomorrow is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of...
Monday morning, grand prize winners of the Ask, Listen, Learn Challenge from the Paul Public Charter School spent time with U.S. Olympic swimmer Rebecca Soni. Over 30 schools across the country participated in the challenge which encouraged students to say “yes” to a healthy lifestyle and “no” underage drinking. Students...
Happy Friday, everyone! Let’s lace up those sneakers! Did you know today is National Run@Work Day? We admire our Superstars living a healthy lifestyle and travel to schools across the country to encourage kids to say “NO” to underage drinking, but even when our office is busy, we all like to stay in shape...
We’re proud to work with many top-notch athletes as our Ask, Listen, Learn Superstars. Their drive and determination inspires us and over a million kids who have pledged to live a healthy lifestyle. Mallory Weggemann is one of those Superstars. Mallory swam in the Paralympics that ended just a few short days ago. Just...
Did you know today is national peanut day? Peanuts are actually not a nut, they’re in the legumes family! They’re high in fiber, naturally trans-fat and sodium free, and they contain more protein than any other ‘nut’. You can find more facts here, but why not celebrate national peanut day with...
Today is the 11th anniversary of the most devastating terrorist attack in history. Many of us remember where we were the moment we heard the tragic reports from the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania field. As we watched the unbelievable footage of the buildings falling apart, our...
Did you know this Sunday is Grandparents Day? Take the time to celebrate your grandparents, whether they’re near or far. Jimmy Carter proclaimed the first Sunday after Labor Day as Grandparents Day in 1978. The idea originated with Ms. Marian McQuade from West Virginia. Her motivation was to remember lonely...