The Blog

Building the Foundations of Meaningful Conversations this Winter

As winter begins, we’re reminded of the simple joys of childhood. And one of our favorites is building a snowman. What starts as a single snowball can grow into something much bigger—a perfect metaphor for how we can build the foundations of meaningful conversations.

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Shine a Spotlight on Keeping Kids Alcohol Free

October 23-31 is Red Ribbon Week, and we want to shine a spotlight on what’s working to keep kids alcohol- and substance-free. Alcohol consumption among America’s teens is at or near record low levels, so this Red Ribbon Week we want to encourage you to keep doing these 5 things, because what you’re doing is working!

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Responsible Choices, Responsible Summer

Even though school may be out for the summer, the teaching and learning continues, especially when it comes to lessons on responsibility. This summer assign yourself some homework to continue conversations with your kids about making responsible choices because when kids are empowered, they’re more likely to say “YES” to a healthy lifestyle and “NO” to underage drinking.

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Responsibility Starts with “YES”!

As parents and educators, it’s our responsibility to help kids feel energized, optimistic, and excited to say “YES.” Here are a few things that kids can say “YES” to as we make our way into the final weeks of school and prepare for summer.

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Reevaluating Goals for the New Year

The start of every new year comes with the best intentions to set goals for the next 365 days, but what happens when your focus and determination wane? The pressure to maintain and achieve goals can feel like a lot, especially to our kids. Here are 3 pieces of learning that are good for us to remember and share with our kids when it comes to goal setting.


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#Take20withKids for Holiday Magic

To celebrate the holidays and wrap up the 20th anniversary of Ask, Listen, Learn’s underage drinking prevention program, here are 20 ways to spark some holiday magic (and conversations) with your kids.

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