The Blog

Kids are Watching: Model Responsibility

Parents are the number one influence on their kids’ decision to drink—or not drink—alcohol, and this influence goes beyond just having those important conversations about the dangers of underage drinking. As kids develop and learn to make decisions for themselves, what they see from parents, caregivers, and other trusted adults matters. Explore these ways to model responsibility with your kids if you choose to drink.

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Responsibility Starts with “YES”!

As parents and educators, it’s our responsibility to help kids feel energized, optimistic, and excited to say “YES.” Here are a few things that kids can say “YES” to as we make our way into the final weeks of school and prepare for summer.

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#Take20withKids for Holiday Magic

To celebrate the holidays and wrap up the 20th anniversary of Ask, Listen, Learn’s underage drinking prevention program, here are 20 ways to spark some holiday magic (and conversations) with your kids.

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20 Tips for Starting Conversations About Health and Wellbeing

As your family prepares for a new school year, the Ask, Listen, Learn team wants you to feel prepared to have conversations about healthy behaviors with your kids. We queried’s Educational Advisory Board and asked them for their tips on starting conversations with kids about health and wellbeing and of course, prevention education.

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