Yesterday we caught up with Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) and Paralympic Alpine-Skier Tyler Carter at West Rocks Middle School in Norwalk, CT for an Ask, Listen, Learn event!
West Rocks Middle heard from Congressman Himes and Carter about the importance of combating peer pressure and saying NO to underage drinking.
Carter spoke first, captivating an audience of over 250 sixth graders, by starting off with why he lost part of his leg at a young age. Carter, a paralympian in the 2014 Paralympic Winter Games was born without a fibula and had his right leg amputated below the knee when he was a year old. Carter is also an Athlete Mentor for Classroom Champions! Want to see more of Tyler’s videos for kids? Check them out here.
Introduced to skiing at 8 years-old, Carter immediately fell in love with the sport and staying active.
“As an athlete it’s so important to pay attention to what I put in my body,” Carter said. “I’m already missing one leg, I don’t need to lose anything else.”
Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) spoke to his experience as an EMT, and how that showed him early on how poor decisions can impact your entire life, or even end it.
“There were some really horrific accidents I had to go to, and I’ll never forget the smell of alcohol that was at every single one,” Himes said. “I’ve seen the horrible bloody consequences of drinking and driving, and it’s really important that you don’t ever do that.”
Congressman Himes and Carter both honed in on how important it is to have healthy habits early on. If you start a healthy lifestyle at a young age, you’ll be able to accomplish so much more when you’re older.
Thanks to Congressman Himes and Tyler for giving their inspiring stories!