This time, Ask Listen Learn headed out to the fabulous city of Las Vegas to visit Dell Robison Middle School to talk to 350 8th graders about the dangers of underage drinking.
Helping us was Attorney General Masto, who talked to the kids about what an attorney general does and what it was like growing up in NV. She shared that her father was Mexican and told her that if she ever drank underage, he would shave her bald! That warning from her parents, as well as all of her athletic activities in middle school, kept her living a healthy lifestyle growing up, and into today. These days she keeps active by running and playing golf.
She also shared with the students that it isn’t cool to drink underage and that they should talk to their friends and siblings about the dangers of underage drinking. She also quizzed the students on what parts of their bodies are affected by alcohol: the brain, the heart, the liver. And, the students got it right – it’s all of them!
We really loved our time at Robison Middle School, and we learned so much. Thank you to all the incredible teachers and staff, as well as the awesome students! You guys rock!